Mount Vallecitos Ascent 17,930 ft.

  • Ascenso cerro Vallecitos
  • Vistas en camino al Cerro Plata Ascent Mount Plata
  • Vistas desde el Cordón del Plata. Ascenso cerro plata
  • Turismo Aventura Mendoza Ascent Mount Plata Montañismo con Profesionales en Mendoza
  • Hidratando en el camino al Plata Ascent Mount Plata
  • Campamento el salto Ascenso cerro plata
  • Ascenso cerro plata. Mulas en el Salto
  • Ascenso al cerro Plata
  • Ascenso al cerro Plata

We invite you to the summit of one of the Argentinean mountaineering classics. We will take 6 days to complete this trek to Mount Vallecitos: this is the second highest peak in the Cordón del Plata.

It is an excellent opportunity to challenge yourself as a mountaineer, if you have experience in fourthousanders or 13,000+ ft., and want to take the next step in high altitude mountaineering. Are you ready? We will guide you.

How will we do it?

The secret to a good summit is proper acclimatization. That is why we will progressively ascend to 17,930 ft. / 5,465 masl, through Veguitas and Piedra Grande campsites to Salto de Agua. We will have a rest day prior to the summit attempt, to be well prepared.

We will make a slow but steady ascent, alternating days of walking with others of recovery. The portering of the equipment will be done in short distances, and with breaks, since our backpacks will weigh between 15kg / 33 lb and 18kg / 39lb (it is important not to exceed that weight).

In every expedition we guarantee excellent logistics, so that you can enjoy a safe ascent. We will accompany you starting from the days prior to the expedition, advising you on the equipment you will need.

And during the expedition, we will make sure to offer tasty and healthy meals as well as to share advice and knowledge about this exciting activity.

Who is this expedition recommended for?

The Mount Vallecitos Ascent is ideal for you if you have climbed 13,000 ft. / 4000 masl peaks, and you are looking to push yourself to the next level. This is an mandatory step before you consider climbing 19,685 / 6,000 masl peaks or higher, as it is the challenge that will allow you to jump from the ” four-thousanders” to the “five-thousanders”.

You will need, in addition to experience in altitude, an excellent physical condition and training since the physical demand is high, although there is no technical difficulty.

How to train for the Mount Vallecitos Ascent?

There are two main areas to work on: aerobic endurance and leg training. The first is important because the higher we go, the lower atmospheric pressure falls, and therefore the less oxygen is available. The aerobic training you do should be of moderate to high intensity. And leg endurance will be essential to be able to deal with the steep ascents and the load of a backpack of approximately 39 lb. / 18 kg. We always recommend that you train with the guidance of a professional.

About Mount Vallecitos

In Cordón del Plata, the cradle of high altitude mountaineering in Mendoza, we find this emblematic mountain: Vallecitos.

Vallecitos, at first glance, reveals an important east wall, composed of rock and channels of ice and snow, which towers over the landscape; and might “deceive” about how accessible and comfortable its normal route is.

Its normal route rises much more gently along the south ridge that connects Vallecitos with El Plata (this is known as Plata-Vallecitos pass). And to the north, it converges with Mount Rincón along a ridge of decomposed rock from where “La Muela” peak can be seen.

Its 17,930 ft. / 5,469 masl. summit, of relatively easy accessibility, makes it the most frequented “five-thousander” in Cordón del Plata, and perhaps in Mendoza. Because its ascent is a great middle step between the 13,000 ft / 4000 masl. peaks, and other more ambitious objectives such as Mercedario or Aconcagua.

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