Mount Penitentes Ascent

  • Mount Penitentes Ascent. Ascenso al Cerro Penitentes
  • Mount Penitentes Ascent
  • Mount Penitentes Ascent Ascenso al Cerro Penitentes
  • Mount Penitentes Ascent Ascenso al Cerro Penitentes
  • Ascenso al Cerro Penitentes Montañismo en Mendoza Mount Penitentes Ascent
  • Ascenso al Cerro Penitentes Mount Penitentes Ascent
  • Ascenso al Cerro Penitentes
  • Ascenso cerro Penitentes Mount Penitentes Ascent
  • Ascenso al Cerro Penitentes

Are you looking for adventure? Welcome to the world of the “fourthousanders”. We invite you to experience the Mount Penitentes Ascent: a challenge of unique beauty, at an altitude of 14,566 ft. / 4,440 meters above sea level.

It will be a 3-day expedition, with everything you can’t miss: acclimatization, enjoyment, camping, endurance and summit. We will take care of all the logistics: professional guides will accompany you step by step so that you can make the ascent safely. In addition, we will share with you stories and knowledge about mountaineering during the whole trip.

What does the Mount Penitentes ascent consist of?

We will take 3 days to climb this mountain located in the Central Range, in front of the Aconcagua Provincial Park.

With a first day to approach and acclimatize, we will enter through Quebrada de Vargas and ascend up to 10,825 ft. / 3,300 mt. On day 2 we will wake up very early to attempt the summit, where we will have incredible panoramic views of the whole area. And on day 3 we will break camp to say goodbye to the mountain (looking forward to returning soon!).

As in each of our trips, there will be delicious meals, which are always a good reward and motivation for the hard work.

Who is this experience recommended for Mount Penitentes Ascent?

We recommend the Mount Penitentes Ascent for those who wish to enter or go deeper into the world of high altitude mountaineering, and have a good physical condition.

Within the “fourthousanders”, there is a great diversity of options and levels of difficulty. We could consider Mount Penitentes an intermediate challenge: although it is not one of the most difficult summits, it does require having the ability to endure long days of trekking, at a good pace and crossing steep slopes with your equipment on your back.

About the place

Mount Penitentes is located just a little higher than the ski resort with which it shares its name, “Penitentes”. It is also close to Puente del Inca, and only 2.5 mi. / 4 km. away from the colossus of America: our Mount Aconcagua, 22,849 ft. / 6,962 meters above sea level.

The landscape in the region offers beautiful postcards of the Andes with its flora and fauna and panoramic views of breathtaking immensity.

An interesting fact? The hill gets its name from the appearance of its rock formations, which look very similar to religious monks. And at the same time, the snow formations there were similar to their characteristic white robes.

Institutions that endorse us. horseback ride sunset Mendoza. Turismo Aventura Mendoza